Review of Tea-cup
Reading and
The Art of Fortune-Telling by Tea-Leaves (1921).
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In the 1920's two books
were published on tea leaf divination: the Highland
Seer's Tea-cup
Reading (1921)
and Cicely Kent's Telling
Fortunes by Tea Leaves (1922). Both were
"how-to" books about the charming folk practice of
reading tea leaves. The idea that you can catch a
glimpse of the future or pick up on hidden energies
from the dregs of a teacup will, of course, be scoffed
at by the learned and sophisticated. Fat lot they
know. If something works, says William
you use it. And once you get the hang of it, reading
tea leaves happens to work. Indeed, in my humble
opinion, all those old biddies who relied upon nothing
but their ordinary tea leaves to divine the future
probably had a better grasp on reality, made better
decisions, and lived lives more in harmony with
natural forces than your average moron occultist who
thinks he's discovered something valuable in all those
mysterious hidden esoteric magical
Egyptian/Tibetan/Atlantis secrets.
I think the Seer's book is definitely the better book. First, she clearly has had extensive experience reading the leaves for herself--you get the feeling that this woman has done it for years (and I'm assuming that our anonymous author is a woman). So she most definitely practices what she preaches, a quality not always found in other "experts". The Seer also seems to be much more familiar with authentic folk traditions than does Kent. Her experience of Scottish "spae-wives" sounds genuine. Finally, she is very much aware of the dangers involved in taking money for divination. She states:
Now it is an axiom, which centuries of experience have shown to be as sound as those of Euclid himself, that the moment the taint of money enters into the business of reading the Future the accuracy and credit of the Fortune told disappears. The Fortune-teller no longer possesses the singleness of mind or purpose necessary to a clear reading of the symbols he or she consults.
Thank you, Seer, for
these words (and so far she is the only 20th century
writer on divination I have discovered who makes this
point). She is absolutely correct: divination and
money simply do not mix. The all-but-universal belief
that it is perfectly legitimate to take money for a
psychic reading is as wrong and as stupid as it gets.
Fortunately anyone can learn how to divine on their
own with the help of books like these.
A final note--there is one Greek word in the text:
κοταβος. This refers an ancient Greek divinatory
practice called "kottabos", which was a way to divine
the future by examining spilled wine. I have not been
able to find much more information about the practice,
but my guess is that worked much better than dialing a
psychic hotline number.
Read Tea-Cup Reading here.
provided he or she is equipped with
the requisite knowledge and
some skill and intuition,
the persons most fitted to tell correctly
their own fortune are themselves
--A Highland Seer, Tea-cup Reading